Monday, November 28, 2011

So The Problem Is, You Just Want To Be Mean?

The problem with my school is a strange one. People just enjoy being mean to others, yet they also respect boundaries. When someone says something off-topic or stupid (being stupid, not mean) they might get put down with a mean remark. Some kid could be totally unpopular and be insulted left and right, while another doesn't get insulted at all. And then... one day that kid isn't feeling well, and the insulters just back off and give the person some room. However, they start insulting someone else. This may be because they don't insult to hurt feelings of a person. They do it because it's fun and it makes you seem cool.

Friends insult other friends all the time. It's normal, right? The answer is no. Definition of friend according to webster dictionary: Friend: one attached to another by affection or esteem. Do you insult someone who you are affectionate too? I'll be a little more specific with specific events. (fake names, real people) Usually Jack is told to shut up because what Jack says is weird or dumb or too loud. Today Jack wasn't feeling so well so Tristan picked on Martina instead of Jack. Martina is usually a pretty tough girl, and she isn't usually picked on at all (as a side note that's mainly because she can beat up anyone else in the class besides Tyson). That shows that people don't insult personally, but just as a hobby, or to pass time. It doesn't matter who you are insulting, just as long as you show that you are cool, and in authority. An example of insulting to prove authority is when Jack told Jenti that he had a "fat-pack" when the class was talking about a frog's abdomen. Jack is friends with Jenti but has fun insulting others so he insulted Jenti. This is wrong, and he shouldn't do that.

People shouldn't pick on other people just because they enjoy it or the world's future will become pretty screwed up.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. The definition you included on the word friend was a very good source of, I guess, "evidence." I enjoyed reading the second paragraph and the fake names you came up with. lol. Overall, your blog post had a great base that you build off of.
