Saturday, November 19, 2011

2 person poem bullying... again

bold=person #1
Slanty=person #2
Underlined=Saying at same time

P#1: It hurts. It always hurts.
P#2: It hurts. It always hurts.

P#1: Whenever I
P#2: Whenever I

P#1: go to school,

P#2: come home,

P#1: they are waiting for me.
P#2: I check my Facebook account.

P#1: They slam me against the wall and spit in my face.
P#2: I have hatemail in my inbox telling me how ugly I am.

P#1: And it never stops.
P#2: And it never stops.

P#1: This has been happening since I
P#2: This has been happening since I

P#1: changed schools.

P#2: turned 13 and created a Facebook account.

P#1: Today,
P#2: Today,

P#1: I almost died.
P#2: I almost committed suicide.

P#1: I was in the emergency room for 8 hours.

P#2: I had the pills all ready but my mom called to say hello.

P#1: They beat me up so badly that organs were bleeding.

P#2: She would miss me so much.

P#1: I have to stay in bed for 2 weeks.

P#2: I'd block them, but then I'd have no friends.

P#1: They didn't get expelled.

P#2: I'd look like an even bigger looser.

P#1: They didn't get detention.

P#2: But I really wonder why they go out of their way to hurt me.

P#1: They didn't even get scolded.

P#1: And then there's tomorrow.
P#2: And then there's tomorrow.

When I was writing this two person poem, I tried to write two entirely different stories, from two different prople who share the same problem: bullying. I didn't want to go entirely out of my way to match up what the two were saying together so that they said the exact same stuff. I didn't because then I would have to sacrifice the quality of what is actually happening. Because I went for naturally, I think the rhythm of the poem is really good.

I chose bullying because it is something that a lot of kids my age are having trouble with, whether it being physical abuse, or verbal abuse. I am hoping that if i address it, other students will read it and think about what they do themselves. Notice what the victims are going through. In my poem I put in a boy who is being beat up by other kids in his school, and a girl who is constantly receiving nasty messages via the internet. The boy isn't sad about his abuse, he is angry. Unfortunately he can't think of anything to do to fight back. The girl is almost in denial, telling herself that what is happening is ok, and isn't actually happening.

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