Sunday, November 27, 2011

Discipline is NEEDED

Recently I read 2 very upsetting articles about a 2 different girls who died due to bullying. One of the articles ( was about a girl named Phoebe who committed suicide because of cyber bullying. She was an irish immigrant who had recently arrived in america and was a freshman in high school. She was constantly bullied over Facebook and sometimes in reality, to the point where she killed herself. It is reported that the teachers at the school saw her being harassed by the bullies and did nothing about it. Even after she died, the bullies wrote cruel things about her on her Facebook memorial page. This shows that nobody showed them how wrong they were to bully someone, or even that they did something bad at all. (One quick thing to say about the source is that it seemed to have a bias opinion)

The other article was about a girl who died a while ago, when 8 bullies got together and brutally beat her to death. The girl's name was Reena Virk, and she died in 1997 november at the age of 14 when 7 girls and one guy attacked her. They kicked, punched, cut, and bruised her. They left, but after a while, one of the girls came back, beat her up some more, then threw her in the river where she drowned and died. When you hear that human beings will do this to each other, especially at the age of 14, it just upsets you. I know you probably don't see things like this, but they do happen. We need to make sure the violators stop this unruly behavior. If you know a bully, tell them to stop. Don't partake in this stuff either. It's just sick. (article found at

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