Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Reality only sucks because you think it does

     The book Forest Gate by Peter Akinti is considered realistic. In our ELA room I found it in the "stuff that's actually happening" bin. In the book there is murder, rape, suicide, and many people with no morals whatsoever. This is what is considered reality by a lot of people in this world.

"Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality." Brian Trac

     When we believe that such cruelty is reality, that is what it becomes. Reality is only what you believe it is, a theory on what the state of the world is. If you believe the world is evil, greedy, and horrible, then it is. The problem with the world is that a lot of people view the world as terrible. If people were more optimistic, we could view reality as a much nicer thing.

     If only we could believe that reality wasn't such a terrible place to live in, it probably wouldn't be. A character in my book named Ashvin commits suicide because he believes that reality is a horrible place, and life sucks. In his home country in Africa, his father was killed before his very eyes after being brutally tortured, and then his mother too was killed. His life is screwed up. He thinks that all of reality is like this and when in London, kills himself. If he had realized that he had a brighter future in England, that things were better then he thought they were, he would have wanted to continue living. If he would have accepted that his reality was better where he was, but he couldn't. He’s been fed that reality is horrible and he believed that. We need to believe otherwise. For the sake of the world we live in, for the sake of others who live on this world, for the future. And, for the sake of yourself


  1. I like how you started with a connection from a book, then your life, then the world, then back to a book. The examples you used really supported your idea that reality can be horrible.

  2. Wowow. This was a really well written reading response. The way you connected the text to the world is very relatable. I like that you wrote a small summary to give your readers background. I also like the quote you chose.
